My College Story as an Autistic Person

My College Story as an Autistic Person

By Tim Boykin aka @blackautisticking

From August 2016 to May 2021 I have been going through a part of my life that changed me so much. I went to a place where I was taught more about common sense, my career I wanted to get into and my own self. And that place was called…


But don’t worry I won’t talk about my entire experience. I want to focus on the time I got my associates degree.

In the year of 2016 I graduated from my local high school a year early. I was supposed to graduate from the 11th grade but fortunately since I took all of my required classes I was able to leave early. At 17 years old I graduated with a high school degree. Around that time I could’t believe it, a black autistic young man like myself was going to graduate with honors a year ahead of my class. The best part about it was I got a scholarship from a local community college due to my good grades and the fact that they want to accommodate an autistic person. I was excited to go to college but another part of me was a tad bit nervous just like any other time I transition from one school to another.

How I, as an Autistic Person, Improved my Sleep Quality in Three Steps

How I, as an Autistic Person, Improved my Sleep Quality in Three Steps

By Daniel M. Jones aka The Aspie World

Okay so people on the Autism spectrum are notably known to have difficulties with sleeping, this can be from a whole host of things down to too much active brain chatter or simply because they are too overstimulated from life that they find it hard to rest and relax.

Among other things is that people are sensitive to foods like sugars and different types of soda and this can also have an effect of not allowing you to sleep effectively when you’re trying to go to sleep at night and causing all kinds of issues.

Now believe me I have tried everything under the sun to try and help with my sleeping issues because I’m going to bed and waking up feeling like I’ve never slept and it’s just quite frankly becoming annoying.

A Former “Gifted” Kid’s Reflections on Burnout

By Taylor W.

I’ll be honest with you: I’m having a very hard time putting words together these days. 

Actually, I’m having a hard time doing a lot of things. It sort of feels like I’m wading through this…soul-sucking fog, one that’s left me disconnected, achy, irritable, et cetera et cetera. Lots of fun things. I made rice in a rice cooker earlier today and it felt like a serious victory. And really, in these times of constant stress and uncertainty, me feeling this way probably shouldn’t come as a surprise – I think a lot of people are in the same boat. But I’m also acutely aware of how familiar this feeling is. It’s followed me in one form or another for most of my life.

Neurodivergence: An Essential Part of My Romantic Life

By Taylor W.

Okay, quick disclaimer before we get started: this post is not going to be a good resource for advice on casual dating. I have romanced exactly two people in my twenty-four years of existence, and have found myself to be an undeniably “go big or go home” person, as far as relationships go. I don’t think I could have a casual relationship if I tried. But also, I...don’t want to? I thrive off of connecting with people on a deep level, romantically or otherwise, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. And in particular, I find that I connect much more strongly with people who are neurodivergent like me (whether they’re autistic or have ADHD, OCD, etc.). So it’s not surprising that I’ve only ever been romantically interested in people who turned out to be neurodivergent too.